Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ice Damns are not going to win!

Ice damns on roofs this year are horrible . . . but it's what you get when you
live in New England! 

Last night as I was watching tv with our son in our livingroom that has cathedral ceilings, I happened to look to the right of the room in the upper corner of the ceiling and noticed a dark spot which is caused from leaking water.  Not a good feeling when you see that in your only 4.5 year old new construction home.   My husband wasn't home at the time; he was at his college class and I was nervous to tell him because he works so many hours and I knew it would stress him out.  I made a couple calls from numbers I got off of Craigslist for snow/ice removal and chatted with one nice guy about the leaking etc.  I set up an appointment for him to come the next afternoon and give us an estimate of what it would cost to remove the snow/ice. 

When my husband called on his way home from class, I told him about the leaking.  He was upset just as I suspected but I told him I had contacted a couple insured contractors about removing the snow. 

One of the other contractors I had contacted phoned me the next morning and was able to come right out to check out the damage.  He was very nice and friendly & happened to live fairly close to us.  He gave us a good estimate and said he'd be able to do the job today.  Well that is a deal braker because we needed it done ASAP before any more ice on the roof melts and then comes into the house. 

I had to check with my husband first and be sure the cost was okay by him  before committing to this contractor for him to do the job.  My husband was in a meeting at work at the time when I called so I had to wait for a return call.  In the meantime I had a meeting at school with our son's teachers about his progress reports so I went up to the school for the meeting.  After the meeting I heard back from my husband and he said to have that contractor come out & clear the roof today so I did.

So I had to call the other contractor that had the appointment set up to come out this afternoon and let him know he didn't have to come out because we had hired another contractor.  Phew that is done now!  

The contractor we hired came out about 2pm and brought another guy with him to help with the work.  They both chipped away at the ice on the roof; it was alot thicker and alot more ice than any of us thought but they removed it all and did a great job.  I paid them and they were on their way.  So now we are hoping we won't have any more leaking inside the house. 

I guess we are ready for spring already because we have had so many snow storms this winter.   We have had about 1 snow storm per week since Christmas. 

Below is some of the before and after photos of the ice damn's that were built up on the roof of our house and you can see how well the contractor cleared them. 

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