Friday, February 11, 2011

-10 is Just Too Cold Especially When you are NOT a morning Person

This morning I did not want to get out of our nice warm bed.  My son had climbed into bed with me to snuggle before he had to get up for school.  The alarm went off but I didn't want to get out from under the warm covers but knew I had to drag myself up to get his breakfast and let the dogs out.

What does it take to be a morning person?  Even if I go to bed early I still do NOT want to get my butt out of bed in the morning . . . sigh


(Pictures of our snow cold back yard)

I strolled downstairs half asleep and opened the door to let the dogs out, brrrrr the cold air hit me and woke me up fast.  The dogs didn't stay out long they did their thing and came right back in.    I turned on the keurig and got a hot cup of coffee.  Made my son's breakfast then started our morning routine of getting him ready to head off to school.

(Chopper trying to make it thru the deep snow)

Had to go back out in the cold to start the car so it would warm up.  I was a site to see lol; in my fleece pj pants, flannel shirt, snow boots, jacket & hair all a mess.  Oh well no one would see me & if they did no worries.  LOL  Went back in and made sure my son had brushed his teeth, washed his face & hands and got all bundled up. 

Back out into the cold and into the car.  It took the car almost all the way to school before it warmed up.  It was cold and leather seats are not so great to have when it's this cold.  My son got off to school and I drove back home and here I am writing this morning blog. 

Time to get another cup of coffee and jump in the shower.  Then fun things like clean the house, laundry, dishes and a trip to Walmart.  Then pick up my son from school; rush home; unload the things from Walmart; have him change into his basket ball uniform then back up to the school for his bb game; then home to cook dinner.  I'm tired just thinking about it all. My day off is Friday's but why does it never seem like a day off.  One day to stay home and hang out would be such a dream. 

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